Zeltonique Damon,南非西开普省开普敦的设计师
Zeltonique is available for hire
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Zeltonique Damon

Verified Expert  in Design


Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Toptal Member Since
December 12, 2018

Renowned for blending innovation with usability, Zel excels in digital product design, 主要关注健康保险和金融科技行业. With over a decade in the industry, Zel曾与顶级企业和yc支持的初创公司(如SafetyWing)合作, Habitual, Sasol, Vitality, Discovery Limited, Accenture, and Goodpoint. Dedicated to crafting user-centered design, Zel continuously enhances the digital landscape, delivering joy and simplicity through each project.


Work Experience

Design Lead | Owner

2018 - PRESENT
Nique Design Studio
  • Collaborated with global brands, enterprises, 以及yc支持的初创公司,通过无缝的用户界面来增强数字体验.
  • 举办研讨会,将创始人的愿景转化为可操作的设计, promoting collaboration between teams and users.
  • 为Vitality的移动应用程序提供无缝的用户体验, 支持其促进全球健康和福祉的使命, 使数百万人受益,证明其健康优势并节省资金.
  • 对PSG的主要客户网站进行SEO审计,确保最佳的可搜索性和可抓取性. 这提高了这家南非顶级投资公司的知名度, which serves over 200,000 clients.
  • 加强沙索内部持续改进体系,使之符合国际标准, optimizing processes used by over 29,我们在全球拥有5,000名员工,以简化运营并提高效率.
Technologies: Slack, Asana, Jira, Adobe Suite, Notion, Figma, Framer, Webflow, G Suite, Amplitude, Maze, FullStory, ChatGPT, UX Research, UX Prototyping, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Digital Product Design, Mobile App UI, User Interface (UI), UX Strategy, User Interviews, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Sitemaps, Responsive UI, Design Systems, User Research, Gamification, SEO Tools, SEO Audits, Financial UX, Native Mobile Apps, Health & Wellness, UX Review, User Testing, Startups, eCommerce UX, Enterprise Design, Web Dashboards, Responsive UX Design

Senior Product Designer | Contract

2021 - 2024
  • Led product design for Remote Health, an international medical insurance product, alongside our creative director.
  • 开发和实施用户友好的内部索赔流程, 有助于保持高净推荐值(NPS).
  • 发起了一系列每周用户访谈,以获得快速和直接的反馈, 支持我们的产品不断改进以满足用户需求.
  • Collaborated closely with stakeholders, developers, and users, 在快节奏的启动设置中提供高质量的功能.
  • Played a key role in launching the Remote Health dashboard, 哪一个通过改进索赔跟踪和访问保险详细信息提高了用户满意度.
  • 与设计师团队共同打造SafetyWing首个综合设计系统, streamlining product development and brand consistency.
Technologies: Figma, Maze, Notion, Jira, Adobe CC, Slack, Tableau, UX Research, UX Prototyping, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Digital Product Design, Website Redesign, User Interface (UI), UX Strategy, User Interviews, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Responsive UI, Design Systems, User Research, Health & 健康,用户测试,初创公司,Web仪表板,角色设计,响应式用户体验设计

Senior Product Designer | Contract

2021 - 2021
  • 作为咨询产品设计师与Habitual的团队合作, 推动iOS和Android应用的迭代更新,在Google Play和App Store保持4星以上的评级.
  • 协助建立习惯性的Figma设计系统, 确保组件组织的一致性和效率.
  • 领导用户研究,使未来的优先事项与习惯性的季度目标保持一致, balancing user needs with business objectives.
  • Integrated habit formation science into the app, 量身定制策略,支持糖尿病管理和促进健康的生活方式. Habitual boasts a 46-60% diabetes remission rate. 使用者在短短12周内至少减轻了15%的体重.
Technologies: Figma, Amplitude, Maze, Asana, UX Research, UX Prototyping, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Digital Product Design, Mobile App UI, User Interface (UI), UX Strategy, User Interviews, Low-fidelity Prototypes, Responsive UI, Design Systems, User Research, Gamification, Slack, Native Mobile Apps, Health & Wellness, User Testing, Startups, Persona Design

Senior Product Designer

2020 - 2021
Knowledge to Practice
  • 完善了K2P的评估和路径设计,大大改善了用户的学习体验.
  • 利用调查和分析用户研究,通知战略用户体验增强.
  • 与开发团队合作,确保设计执行的准确性和无错误的软件发布.
  • 领导公司设计系统项目,为统一的视觉语言奠定基础. 利用Google的材质设计来丰富Figma组件库, ensuring a cohesive and updated design inventory.
  • 帮助推出教育平台,为医学研究生提供小型学习模块和游戏化,以提高参与度和知识留存率.
Technologies: Figma, Jira, Maze, Amplitude, UX Research, UX Prototyping, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Digital Product Design, User Interface (UI), UX Strategy, Sitemaps, Responsive UI, Design Systems, User Research, Gamification, Slack, User Testing, Startups, Persona Design, Responsive UX Design

Product Designer

2019 - 2020
Icarus Lived
  • 在早期的社交智能初创公司中,为用户体验和UI奠定了基础,发挥了关键作用.
  • 与创始人密切合作,将想法转化为用户友好的系统, 为有效的用户粘性制作一个直观的界面.
  • Transformed the profile section into an interactive space, 强调Goodpoint是一个分享推理的在线社区.
Technologies: Figma, Jira, Presentation Design, UX Research, UX Prototyping, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Digital Product Design, User Interface (UI), UX Strategy, Sitemaps, Responsive UI, User Research, Slack, Startups, Persona Design, Responsive UX Design

Product Designer

2016 - 2018
  • Developed digital solutions for major enterprises, including Discovery Limited, Sasol, Momentum, and Multiply, enhancing user engagement and client outcomes.
  • 进行用户体验研究和用户测试,为金融科技和保险行业项目的设计策略和决策提供信息.
  • Pitched innovative concepts and designs to clients, 展示他们项目的新方向和潜在改进.
Technologies: Asana, Jira, Adobe Experience Design (XD), Sketch, Website Redesign, UX Flows, User Journey Maps, Mobile App UI, Adobe CC, UX Strategy, Responsive UI, User Research, SEO Tools, SEO Audits, Financial UX, Native Mobile Apps, Health & 健康,用户体验审查,企业设计,Web仪表板,角色设计,响应式用户体验设计

UI/UX Designer | Intern

2016 - 2016
Amazee Labs
  • Played a key role in user research projects, including competitor analysis, critical analytics review, 和用户调查管理通知战略下一步.
  • Produced low- and high-fidelity wireframes, 通过迭代设计加快项目进度并实现早期解决方案测试.
  • 参与Sketch中UI组件的开发和维护.
  • 为开放街道倡议网站做出了重大贡献, a nonprofit client of Amazee in Cape Town.

UI/UX Designer | Intern

2015 - 2015
King James
  • 促进与业务和技术利益相关者的协作研讨会.
  • Assisted with front-end development and developed UI kits.
  • 创建高保真交互式线框,重新设计现有网站的ui.
2014 - 2017



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